November 30, 2007

Krizia and Mari

I owe a lot to deviantArt. I've been a member for more than three years already and the community has always been one of the reasons why I'm always fueled to create artworks. The people are always so helpful and they help you grow. I love a lot of members at deviantArt but for this entry, I will be talking about two special people who've been extra-supportive, extra-nice and extremely wonderful. I'm talking about, as my title explicitly says, Krizia and Mari!


Mari is my partner in crime! I found out about her very wonderful talent when she joined one of the contests I held at deviantArt. She submitted two drawings to me, an Ariel and a Mulan piece (the Mulan is the first one on the picture). I absolutely loved the way she drew and asked her if she wanted to do collaborations.

Thankfully, she agreed, and we ended up making some really neat artworks together (haha, yes, well, they really ARE great). The first one we did was the Sleeping Beauty one. I drew Aurora and she did the background and the wonderful spinning wheel (just look at that!). After that we did a Pocahontas one, which was equally cute. Heehee. We have yet to finish the latest, a Little Mermaid piece (*ahem* Mariiiii what have you done with Ariel?! Haha.) but already I'm sure it will be even more wonderful than the first two. Heehee, I'm too proud of our teamwork.

Mari, I promise, when I would go and visit New York, I'll let you know ;)

Do check out her deviantArt gallery over here!


Krizia is another great artist. Same with Mari, I discover her artworks when she entered my contest. Her entry is that super adorable Mulan piece. She used my Mulan drawing as an inspiration, but if I must say so myself, this is a way better drawing than the original. Heehee.

Krizia has been supporting me ever since and I owe a lot to her. Just today, she sent me two drawings (the two drawings after the Mulan picture) and here's what she said about them:

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say. On your previous contest, the one with Cippow, I was supposed to submit this 4-season-ed theme, but I failed to meet the deadline. XD I was only able to create 2 seasons, and if you like, you can have them. LOL! XD I've been wanting to send them to you as giftart, but I guess I was just shy."

And of course, I LOVED THEM! How could I not? They are so adorable! She's such a sweet girl! And I'm looking forward to your entry, ok? ;)

Check out her deviantArt gallery over here! By the way, she's an ICAn too, just like me!


My gallery can be found over here!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hahaha pretty pretty drawings as always. i wish i had that talent which reminds me.. I STILL HAVENT FOUND MY THING YET! WAAAAH! :O hahaha

Sheenz said...

Haha don't worry Milka. I was thinking, maybe it's baking cookies? Or skiing or surfing or ice skating... you'll never know! Haha!